Draft 0.1 E. Bradshaw 10/29/02
In traditional printing environments, clients rely on font downloads when they are not sure a given character is embedded in the printer. As printing moves to small clients, downloading may not be an option and clients have a need to know what characters are available in a given device.
The purpose of this group is to:
In Unicode and W3C documents, the term "character set" usually refers to a method of encoding a (possibly very large) set of characters, e.g. UTF-8. This tells how to encode a given character if it is present, but doesn't define which characters in that space are actually in use.
The term "character repertoire" is used to indicate a subset of characters that is actually present. Since we are assuming Unicode for the overall space of characters, each repertoire will amount to a list of Unicode values.
Examples of repertoires that may be of interest for printing are:
and so forth. The Working Group will agree on whether there are a few large repertoires or many small ones for printing.
January 2003: Charter approved
Spring/Summer 2003: Specification: PWG Printer Character Repertoires
Summer 2003: Alignment actions with PWG Semantic Model
Late 2003: Alignment actions with XHTML-Print and/or UPnP, Bluetooth groups
Potential 2004: Alignment actions with W3C or other body defining font downloading