This meeting was announced and chaired by Smith Kennedy.
These minutes were prepared by Ira McDonald with much help from Smith Kennedy.
- Review agenda and state PWG IP Policy - Ira McDonald as minute taker - Revised Agenda: (1) Administrivia (2) August Virtual F2F - call for content contributions (3) PWG "Technology Marketing" slide set - for presentation at Mopria F2F (4) IEEE P3030 Liaison discussion (5) IPP Everywhere Trademark Registration status (6) PWG Liaison Template review (7) Liaison status and updates (Paul and others) (8) Next SC meetings
- IPR declaration - Attendance roll call - Review minutes of SC on 6 July 2017 - Approved as posted
- Discussion - Call for content contributions - Review Plenary slides at SC on 3 August 2017ACTION: Smith - Send email to SC / officers to post contributions for August 2017 Virtual F2F Plenary and their own sessions and liaisons to the PWG FTP site
- Discussion - Got great feedback from Ira and Mike - Smith incorporating it all into updated revision to be posted later today for review - Bill: What about articulating the value of openness in developing standards? - Perhaps add an "About the PWG" slide that articulates our openness and encouragement of engagement and contributions from members and non-members - Spec development - Tool development (via Github) - Test development
- Discussion - Two classes of work groups at IEEE SA - Individual only membership and individual / group membership - IEEE P3030 is an individual only group - All of our own requests for individual membership have been ignored (doing a loose survey of the SC members) - Jane setting up a call to discuss a liaison between P3030 and PWG - Presumably that would mean that PWG officers would be able to receive and discuss information shared from P3030 and contribute back (but not post that information publicly because that would violate IEEE P3030 IPR rules)ACTION: Share 4 names (Smith, Ira, Paul, Mike) with Jane at IEEE-ISTO and coordinate schedule setup with her for IEEE P3030 joint call on liaison
- Discussion - 7 August 2017 is the *final* deadline to finish trademark registration - Ira wondered whether putting the "IPP Everywhere" logo / name on the PWG certified printers listing page on would constitute a "specimen" suitable for inclusion in a "statement of use" filing - Also: How about the logo being shown on Linux OpenPrinting site?ACTION: Smith / Ira] - Ask Till if he can get an updated IPP Everywhere logo on the Linux Foundation OpenPrinting page (the fixed logo with �)
- Discussion - Jane provided new draft documents on 5 July 2017 - SC reflector bounced, but Smith reforwarded to SC on 14 July 2017ACTION: All SC members: Please review PWG liaison template documents offline, discuss on SC reflector, and review at SC meeting on 3 August 2017
- Discussion - See SC minutes from 06 July 2017 - ISO IEC JTC1 US TAG (INCITIS) - (Smith tried to keep up with acronyms here but got left in the dust...) - AMSC meeting in May: Key to find out what JTC1 / US TAG is doing - Paul authorized to be marriage broker to explain AMSC to JTC1 / TAG - AMSC / JTC1 liaison wanted to be formed (Paul cannot do that) - TC130 (group that maintains PDF and are interested in job ticket stuff) - US TAG for TC130 is NPES (not INCITIS) - Paul is gluing all of these together - Thank you Paul! - NIST released a new guidance document on ticket information that is needed to increase reliability or 3D printing - Needs to include slicing information as well as intent and status - But we don't want our file formats to include low level slicing information - too vendorspecific, too device-specific - How to certify the output of a high level file on a printer so that they can normalize their slicing to eliminate the weirdness - Is this (proprietary device-specific slicing) going on because the 3D printer vendors believe they are going to make more money using the "vendor lock-in business strategy"? - Did this actually work in the 2D printing world?
- SC - Thursday 3 August 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern - Virtual F2F preparation - Plenary - Wednesday 9 August Pacific / 12pm Eastern - Status and Liaisons