Notes and Agreements on Admin operations, 7/7/99 From: Bob Herriot and Tom Hastings Date: 07/08/1999 File: ipp-ops-admin-agreements-990708.doc Bob Herriot led the IPP review of the Additional Administrative Operations document, dated June 30, 1999, at the 7/7/99-7/8/99 IETF IPP WG meeting on Copenhagen. He generated the following notes and agreements that were reached. The unnumbered issues are new issues raised. The number issues refer to the numbered issues in the specification. Unresolved ISSUES are highlighted like this in the .doc and .pdf files. The document being reviewed is available at: admin-990630.pdf As always, these agreements are being sent to the IPP DL for further discussion and final consensus. 1.ISSUE: What happens if the value for the operator-message for job or printer is either a blank or an empty string for the set operation or other operations that set this attribute? 2.Printer and job operator message should also have a tick time, which is required. Date-time value should be required if the printer implements the current-date-time. 3.ISSUE: Can a client determine the values of "when" that are supported for operations (Pause-Printer, Reset-Printer, and Shutdown-Printer)? 4.ISSUE 1: The 'after-current-job' value of the "when" operation attribute must be supported. 5.ISSUE: In server-error-printer-is-in-standby-mode, when Printer has been shutdown in 'standby-mode' (as opposed to "shutdown- function" = 'power-down'), : Restart and Get-Printer-attributes work, but does Set work? 6.ISSUE: Perhaps only Restart should work when a printer is shut down, not Get-Printer-Attributes? 7.Tables for Set-Printer-Attributes and Set-Job-Attributes operations: Change all occurrences of "MUST NOT if supported" to "MUST NOT" 8.In the tables that show what attributes are settable for Set-Printer- Attributes and Set-Job-Attributes operations: should the table be replaced with a list the attributes that are read-only. Perhaps there is an attribute that lists all settable attributes. 9.ISSUE: Do "operations-supported" and "versions-supported" reflect software support or does the software examine the administratively set values to determine behavior. That is, are they read-only or read/write? 10. Fidelity should go away for the set operation. The set operation should be atomic. 11. Set-Printer-Attributes operation: The "document-format" operation attribute does have issues that were left unresolved. Issue of how to resolve with attributes that do and don't vary with regard to format. For example if I set n-up and media for a format of PostScript and then Get-Printer-Attributes with a document format of text, have I changed the values of n-up and media, or just n-up because its value depends on the format but not media which doesn't. The document format is a limited version of constraints. ISSUE: Do we continue the error with Get-Printer-Attributes by adding "document-format" to Set-Printer-Attributes or do we acknowledge that an attribute holds all values, but some may be constrained by constraints which are another attribute to set. 12. Keep unsupported values rules for Set-Job-Attributes consistent to Create-Job rules instead of new ones with new 'read-only' out-of-band value 13. ISSUE: Make stronger what operations do with regard to other protocols, e.g., disable should disable queue for other protocols too. People are not unanimous on this. Some believe that admin operation affect only the IPP channel; other believe it affect the entire device and thus other protocols "feel" the change. 14. ISSUE: Is IPP intended for printer management. The issue is still undetermined? 15. Shutdown-Printer operation's behavior should perhaps be left more implementation dependent with respect to Pause/Resume of job. It is hard for us to prescribe some printer dependent behavior as to whether a job can be resumed after a "now" type of shutdown. 16. ISSUE 6 (Shutdown-Printer operation) and ISSUE 11 (Pause-Job operation): The "synchronize" attribute: it is not clear why this would ever be false. Ok to get rid of from the Shutdown-Printer and Pause-Job operations? 17. ISSUE: It isn't clear which type of checkpointing is being suggested for synchronize: checkpoint a stream or checkpoint in a job that is on a disk file in the printer. 18. ISSUE 9 (Pause-Job operation), ISSUE 12 (Pause-Current-Job operation), and ISSUE 13 (Resume-Job operation): The 'processing- stopped' state seems like the right job state for Pause-Job and Pause-Current-Job, rather than 'pending-held'. 19. Do we really need Pause-Current-Job. Most people felt that Pause- Job was sufficient. 20. Promote-Job seems to have no support. No one can see a reason. Also, it would seem that a GUI would want a drag and drop interface that would allow a job to be move to any position in a queue. This implies that we must define a model for how a queue is ordered and what moving jobs does to the ordering. For example a queue might be order by time of arrival, but the "move" operation would disrupt this temporarily. It would not change the fact that arriving jobs would still go to the end of the queue. 21. ISSUE: Does we really need a Space-Current-Job. This seems very specific to roll-fed printers. 22. ISSUE: Is Space-Current-Job reasonable to do in the 'processing' state when paper is still moving? 23. ISSUE: In the 'processing-stopped' state, is there a "current" job? 24. Should be Space-Job with job-id if in spec at all. The following numbered ISSUES were not addressed in the notes, so I've copied them here so that we have one set of issues and agreements: 25. ISSUE 2: In the Reset-Printer operation, is the "non-process-run- out" operation attribute really needed at all or can the default behavior for Reset-Printer be defined to be to perform non-process run out (for continuous and cut sheet printers)? 26. ISSUE 3: In the Restart-Printer operation, is the "non-process- run-out" operation attribute really needed at all or can the default behavior for Restart-Printer be defined to be to perform non-process run out (for continuous and cut sheet printers)? 27. ISSUE 4: In the Space-Printer operation, is the "non-process-run- out" operation attribute really needed at all or can the default behavior for Space-Printer be defined to be to perform non-process run out (for continuous and cut sheet printers)? 28. ISSUE 5: Is the Shutdown-Printer operation, it the "non-process- run-out" operation attribute really needed at all or can the default behavior for Shutdown-Printer be defined to be to perform non-process run out (for continuous and cut sheet printers)? 29. ISSUE 7: On Shutdown-Printer with "when" = 'now', is the current job automatically restarted when the Printer is restarted? Or does some client have to issue a Restart-Job operation? 30. ISSUE 8: On Cancel-Current-Job, why isn't non-process-run-out automatic on a continuous form printer? When would an operator want to cancel the job and NOT run out the last sheets.? It would be simpler to require process-run-out when canceling the current job (for continuous and cut sheet printers). 31. ISSUE 10: For the Pause-Job operation, is the "non-process-run- out" operation attribute really needed at all or can the default behavior for Pause-Job be defined to be to perform non-process run out (for continuous and cut sheet printers)?