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Simple Event Notification Service Environment
Frequently Asked Questions

Version 0.3

19 January 1996

JK Martin
Underscore, Inc.

Richard Landau
Digital Equipment Corporation

This document presents answers to many of the frequently asked questions about the Simple Event Notification Service Environment (SENSE) initiative currently being researched by the Printer Working Group (PWG) organization.

Comments, suggestions and general discussion surrounding SENSE are currently conducted through the PWG's electronic mailing list ( Contact information for the authors may be found at the end of this document.

Historical Overview

SENSE was first proposed by an ad hoc group within the IEEE Transport Independent Printer System Interface (TIPSI) committee in November, 1995, as a potential technique for easily propagating event-oriented network printer status using a low-cost datagram service to network clients. The original ad hoc group consisted of JK Martin (Underscore), Rick Landau (Digital Equipment Corp.) and Mike Timperman (Lexmark).

Since the initial concept appeared to have widespread applicability in the general network printer environment--and since the ad hoc group members were also part of the PWG--the concept was presented to the PWG as a possible group research initiative with the potential for standardization. The concept was quickly embraced by the PWG and more significant research was conducted by the ad hoc working group in late 1995 to develop preliminary specifications for the SENSE model.

Current Status of Research

As of this writing, Underscore is rapidly developing a prototype SENSE Framework in the Unix domain to test performance, integration and usability ideas and issues. It is a goal of Underscore to develop and release a minimally complete SENSE Framework for general distribution for others to explore the potential of simple, event-based management services for network printers and other network devices and entities.

Directory of Questions

Following is a simple directory of the list of frequently asked questions. Each question is presented with its corresponding answer in the next section of this document.

Q1 -- Briefly, exactly what is SENSE?
Q2 -- What are the goals of SENSE?
Q3 -- What is SENSE not supposed to be? (Non-goals)
Q4 -- Why is SENSE needed?
Q5 -- What kinds of people can benefit from SENSE?
Q6 -- How can SENSE assist in the integration of network management tools?
Q7 -- How does SENSE compare with SNMP?
Q8 -- Doesn't SNMP give you the capabilities provided by SENSE?
Q9 -- Is SENSE integrated with other network management products?
Q10 -- What is meant by "relatively reliable datagram service"?
Q11 -- Is SENSE only designed to work with network printers?
Q12 -- Can a network device directly provide SENSE services?
Q13 -- What network support is provided and/or required with SENSE?
Q14 -- On which platforms can SENSE be used?
Q15 -- What is a SENSE session like?
Q16 -- What are the components of a SENSE system?
Q17 -- What is a SENSE Server?
Q18 -- What is a SENSE Client?
Q19 -- What is a Subscription Period and why is it needed?
Q20 -- What happens when a Subscription Period expires?
Q21 -- What is a Publication?
Q22 -- What is an Edition of a Publication?
Q23 -- What is a SENSE Event Message?
Q24 -- What are the kinds of Event Messages defined in SENSE?
Q25 -- What is an Event Protocol?
Q26 -- What Event Protocols are provided with SENSE?
Q27 -- How can a Client discover the locations of SENSE Servers?
Q28 -- Does a SENSE Server offer its services using a fixed transport address?
Q29 -- Can reliable, stream-oriented network transports (such as TCP) be used with SENSE?
Q30 -- Can a potential Subscriber learn which Publications are available on a given SENSE Server?
Q31 -- How is a Publication uniquely identified on a Server?
Q32 -- What are the rules for naming a Publication?
Q33 -- What can a Client learn about a specific Publication?
Q34 -- What is meant by the Publication's "class"?
Q35 -- How are Publication classes defined?
Q36 -- Is the number of Publications bound to a Server fixed over time?
Q37 -- How can a Client learn when a Publication becomes available or goes away on a Server?
Q38 -- Do the Properties for a Publication change over time?
Q39 -- How does a Subscriber determine the state of an entity from a SENSE Event Message?
Q40 -- What is meant by "Condition?"
Q41 -- Isn't "Condition" just another name for "State"?
Q42 -- What are the various Conditions?
Q43 -- What are "persistent" versus "transient" Warning Conditions?
Q44 -- What is the difference between an Operator and a Technician?
Q45 -- Do SENSE Servers know about each other?
Q46 -- Can a SENSE Server be a Client to another SENSE Server?
Q47 -- Does a Publisher know about its Subscribers?
Q48 -- Can a Client discover the list of Subscribers on a SENSE Server?
Q49 -- How can a Client monitor the activity of Subscribers on any given SENSE Server?
Q50 -- Are SENSE Clients authenticated?
Q51 -- What protocols are used in SENSE?
Q52 -- How would you characterize the wire format of the SENSE protocol?
Q53 -- Where can I find out more about SENSE?

These questions are answered in the following section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 -- Briefly, exactly what is SENSE?

SENSE is a mechanism for delivering asynchronous notifications of events in a computer network.

Until recently the focus of SNMP-based management facilities has been within the sole dominion of network management personnel. This focus has been on such network devices as routers, gateways, hubs and similar network products; that is, products whose sole purpose in life is to facilitate distributed computing. As such, the average user on a network was not interested in SNMP-related management tools and activities.

Enter the network-manageable network printer and suddenly we have the potential for turning the world upside down with respect to network activity relating to management of such printers. Suddenly even the most unsophisticated user is interested in (possibly continuously) running a network printer management application that can display such information as printer availability, current levels of activity on a set of printers, and whether a job recently submitted by the user has completed on a particular printer.

SENSE is designed to facilitate such management requirements while significantly reducing the host and network load to accomplish the solution.

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Q2 -- What are the goals of SENSE?

The development of SENSE was motivated by several primary goals:

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Q3 -- What is SENSE not supposed to be? (Non-goals)

SENSE should not be designed to replace any other network protocols such as SNMP or NPAP; instead it should augment these protocols to provide much needed timely receipt of events within these protocol domains.

Primarily, SENSE is NOT designed to effect the management of any given entity; for example, SENSE is not designed to provide the ability to set operational parameters for a network entity.

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Q4 -- Why is SENSE needed?

While SENSE is not specifically and solely targeted at the SNMP universe, it is the many deficiencies in SNMP's TRAP mechanism that make SENSE an attractive augmentation to the management of entities in a distributed environment.

The SNMP protocol is not intended to provide timely and reliable notification of asynchronous events to a dynamic set of interested client systems and applications. SENSE specifically addresses several aspects of these needs.

Additionally, the simple design of SENSE should allow for rapid and widespread integration of existing management mechanisms that do not use SNMP as the basic management protocol.

Each of these aspects is described in more detail in later questions.

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Q5 -- What kinds of people can benefit from SENSE?

System and network management personnel will no doubt benefit the most from SENSE, However, depending on the kinds of SENSE-compatible tools that are delivered to the marketplace, end users, too, should benefit in being able to monitor key events pertaining to their individual environments; for example, knowing when a user's print job has completed when printing in a highly heterogeneous computing environment.

SENSE can also be of use to developers of client-server components and systems who need to respond quickly to asynchronous events. In particular, developers of SNMP agents and SNMP-based management tools should benefit from using SENSE.

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Q6 -- How can SENSE assist in the integration of network management tools?

The SENSE protocol used by an entity to announce the occurrence of an event is quite simple and should be easily incorporated into existing agent software for the entity.

A SENSE Server is capable of presenting a collection of such entities to a SENSE client, thereby making it easier for users to incorporate various diverse tools to present a more comprehensive view of a set of managed entities.

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Q7 -- How does SENSE compare with SNMP?

SENSE provides an additional delivery method that SNMP agents and management stations can use to get timely notices of events in the network. In this way, SENSE can function as a "wrapper protocol" around SNMP and other management protocols.

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Q8 -- Doesn't SNMP give you the capabilities provided by SENSE?

SNMP provides a mechanism for generating TRAP messages that can inform management applications of events. However, there are problems with the standard design of the SNMP TRAP mechanism:

Since TRAP messages are not delivered reliably, management applications must continually poll the SNMP agent to accurately determine whether a problem has arisen within the managed entity, thereby significantly reducing the value of the TRAP message.

Perhaps the worst ramifications of the deficiencies of the SNMP TRAP mechanism is the significantly increased network traffic required to poll managed entities to determine current operational status. As increasing numbers of network-manageable devices come onto the market--together with increasing numbers of management applications suitable for use by unsophisticated users--the network traffic resulting from all the SNMP polling represents a considerable burden on network bandwidth requirements and related resources.

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Q9 -- Is SENSE integrated with other network management products and tools?

As of the time of this writing, January 1996, SENSE is still in the proposal and prototype stages, and therefore is not yet implemented in any products. However, it is expected that prototype tools will become available by the middle of 1996; such tools will include entirely new tools based on SENSE technology, as well as existing tools that have been retrofitted to be compatible with SENSE (sometimes called being "SENSEable").

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Q10 -- What is meant by "relatively reliable datagram service"?

SENSE uses datagram services to effect all communcations with Clients. For IP-based networks, the UDP datagram transport is used; this transport is inherently unreliable, whereby datagrams can get lost on the network without knowledge by either the sender or receiver.

Since timely and reliable receipt of Event Messages by Subscribers is one of the motivating concerns of SENSE, a UDP-based SENSE Server will periodically retransmit an Event Message to a Subscriber until the Server receives an explicit receipt acknowledgement message from the Subscriber for that Event Message.

A SENSE Server will only retransmit an Event Message a configurable maximum number of times, afterwhich the Server discards the Event Message for that particular Subscriber. This is done so as to limit the resources requirements of the Server.

This periodic retransmission technique is described as being "relatively reliable" in all SENSE documentation, as absolute reliability is considered impractical for a typical SENSE implementation.

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Q11 -- Is SENSE only designed to work with network printers?

No, SENSE can be used with nearly any type of network entity, whether it is a device directly attached to the network or simply a process running on a network-attached host. As long as the entity can produce datagrams on a network, then it can participate in the management facilities offered by SENSE.

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Q12 -- Can a network device directly provide SENSE services?

Yes, SENSE services can be provided directly by a network- attached device. It is also possible to develop SENSE applications that operate as proxies for other devices that do produce asynchronous event notices but do not directly provide SENSE services; such a structure is analogous to an SNMP proxy agent.

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Q13 -- What network support is provided and/or required with SENSE?

SENSE does not itself provide any support for network protocols; it is intended to be layered on the network transport capabilities of its operating system platform. SENSE requires only a datagram-level protocol to communicate between clients and servers.

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Q14 -- On which platforms can SENSE be used?

SENSE is designed to be virtually platform-independent in its implementation and, hence, should be available to all common computing platforms found in today's network environments.

The initial implementations of SENSE clients and servers are expected to be available on Sun Solaris, Digital Unix, Silicon Graphics IRIX, SCO ODT and Windows NT; SENSE clients should also be available for Windows 3.1 and Windows '95. SENSE should be easily ported to any other platforms that have either streams-based or socket-based network interfaces.

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Q15 -- What is a SENSE session like?

An overview of a common scenario might be appear as follows: